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From Hessen (Germany) to Australia

The Story of Friedrich Wilhelm Hupfeld

When I read this mail on Sunday morning, I was very enjoyed. Relative or not, that's not so important, I said to myself, there a people on Kangaroo Island in Australia, who invite us to their farm. Yes, we travel, yes, we'll come some day, we said to ourselves. But first I answered the mail, relative or not, I wrote, I'm enjoyed of your mail and we'll see you some day. Perhaps even we are relatives, I wrote my stepfather is surching for the roots from the family Hupfeld since several years, I wrote, he'll find it out. It dured some months, than he found out, that Peter's grandfather was born in 1835 in Germerode at Meißner Mountain and is indeed an ancestor from us all. So we are relatives in a way. Now the question was, how and when was Friedrich Wilhelm Hupfeld come to Australia? In the National archives from Marburg we found the emigration documents from the miner Johann Nikolaus Zimmermann, who wanted to emigrat to America with his wife and two children. Here is a extract from the application to be rescued from being a subject from Kurhessen.

 Auszug aus dem Protokolle

 Kurfürstliche Regierung der Provinz Niederhessen

 Kassel, den 15. März 1845

 Nr. 701 Tabellarischer Bericht des Kreisamtes Eschwege betreff des Gesuchs des 
 Bergmanns Johann Nikolaus Zimmermann nebst Familie zu Germerode um Entlassung aus 
 dem kurhessischen Untertanenverband behufs Niederlassung in Nordamerika.

 Beschluß: Das Kreisamt, welchem das Protokoll hierüber vermittelt wird, hat dem 
 Nachsuchenden das anliegende Entlassungs-Skript zu behändigen.

 Am 2.4.1845 wurde die Entlassungsurkunde ausgehändigt.

 1. Vorlage zur Empfangnahme

 2. Geschehen 25.4.1845 Wochenblatt Nr. 19

(Hessisches Staatsarchiv Marburg)

One of the two children, for whom Johannes Nikolaus Zimmermann wanted the emigration, was Friedrich Wilhelm Hupfeld, the son from his wife Anna Elisabeth, born as Schülbe, who had brought the at that time ten year old boy, when they got married. The second child was the two year old Johannes Zimmermann, the son of Johann Nikolaus and Anna Elisabeth Zimmermann. We couldn't find out, why the family emigrated to Australia and not to America. But we found, that the family Zimmermann leaved their country on Sunday the 25th of May in 1845 on the ship "Patel" in Bremerhafen and arrived the port of Adelaide after a passage of 117 days on Thursday, the 18th of September in 1845.

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Zuletzt geändert am 08 Mai 2005 14:54 Uhr